Out There Chronicles   Ep. 1 (Android/iOS) kostenlos statt 2,99€

Derzeit könnt ihr das Textadventure Out There Chronicles – Ep. 1 für Android sowie iOS kostenlos herunterladen. Der reguläre Preis liegt bei 2,99€, im Aktionszeitraum spart ihr euch diesen.

Im Google Playstore gibt es bei über 900 Bewertungen sehr gute 4,6 Sterne, gelobt werden die großartigen Zeichnungen sowie die gute Story.


Out There Chronicles is an interactive graphic novel based on the science fiction universe of Out There, the acclaimed, multi-award-winning space exploration game.

After a slumber of a million years, you wake up on America, a planet colonized by humans who fled the Earth. In your quest to find your people, you’ll set off on a galactic adventure where you’ll meet a host of colorful characters and visit unimaginable locations.

Out There Chronicles is a unique adventure set several million years before Out There. Where do the Arks come from? What are the Cubes? Fans of the original game will find answers to some questions, but others will remain a mystery.
You’ll also meet various alien races and get the opportunity to learn more about their people… If you can master their language, of course.

Link: HIER zur Android-App

Link: HIER zur iOS-App

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